Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Some" Keys to Happiness :)

When I (a natural, original, and determined optimist) tried to "state" somethings that could help one live in happiness, i realized that I will not at all mention things that make us happy, otherwise I will talk about things that we can do to make ourselves happy. Happiness is something we should create, not wait for others to bring us.

I admit that no blog is enough to mention all keys to happiness, and probably the reasons for happiness are endless and infinite, but I'll try to give examples and probably wait for others to enrich me with their own keys to happiness, so we could all create an atmosphere of hope and optimism that helps us through our way in life :)

Faith ...

   To have a strong belief that whatever happens to you is Allah will, and where ever Allah guides you, is the best. You may not notice the reason behind things now, but eventually you'll realize that you were meant to have a better thing. Even if you felt oppressed, mislead, or disappointed, make sure to accept your fate, and Allah will reward you for your patience, and will give you back your rights and what you deserve sooner or later, and you will be relieved from any sense of hatred or anger that could ruin your life. 

 Have a strong faith in Allah.  

Appreciation ...

  I don't mean having people who appreciate whatever we do, as i said, we shouldn't wait for others to make us happy.
  I believe that noticing the value of every thing no matter how small it is, can make us live in renewable happiness everyday. I appreciate waking up in the morning knowing that it's a new day, and that any bad thing which could have happened yesterday is now history, i appreciate knowing that i will get up, get ready, take my steps, and get over anything. I appreciate being able to look up and see the sky with it's clouds, imagine that this cloud is like a human face, and that one is like a dog :) . I appreciate driving to work, and seeing enthusiastic kids going to schools with smiles on their faces. I appreciate the trees, the factories, the nice-looking buildings. I appreciate the kisses and waves to my Mom, the first cup of tea in the morning, having true friends who make me feel home. I appreciate being Blessed in every means, and being able to notice those blessing, and unable of course to count them.
رَ‌بِّ أَوْزِعْنِي أَنْ أَشْكُرَ‌ نِعْمَتَكَ الَّتِي أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَىٰ وَالِدَيَّ وَأَنْ أَعْمَلَ صَالِحًا تَرْ‌ضَاهُ وَأَصْلِحْ لِي فِي ذُرِّ‌يَّتِي ۖ إِنِّي تُبْتُ إِلَيْكَ وَإِنِّي مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ

Thanking ...

  Learn how to say "Thank You" and truly mean it. thanking others make them feel good, and living in an atmosphere where people around you feel good is contagious :) . Also remember to Thank Allah
 وَإِذْ تَأَذَّنَ رَبُّكُمْ لَئِنْ شَكَرْتُمْ لَأَزِيدَنَّكُمْ

Feeling and Admitting Guilt …

  It's much more comforting to Admit guilt, and much better to have a conscience that warns you on time. Be a person who can take responsibility for their own actions.

Hope ...

  Always have hope, and see it in everything around you. when you expect something good to happen, it sure will, or at least your optimistic perspective of life will make any event, a nice and cheering experience.

Have Fun :)

  Routine can kill you, don't let it. Do something different from time to time, try to "enjoy" life, not just "live" it. As they say "find your personal treat". You don't have to act as a victim of the lack of time, just think of a new experience, and take the necessary steps. 

Inspire ...

  Make sure to be inspiring. Smile, act decently, respect others, be pure and let your manners tell who you are ... be yourself. (hopefully that "self" is a good one ;) )

Share Happiness & Spread Positive Energy ...

  As happiness is contagious, make sure to infect everybody around :) be a dangerous epidemic :D it won't hurt you to spread positive energy rather that negative one. Try to be the cheering person not the weeping. Let people know how much you love them. Care for others,

And eventually, find any other reason that makes you happy, & share it with me ;) 

فدوى نزار

Monday, July 2, 2012

كيفَ أطلُبُ الحَقَّ ممن أضاعوه ؟!!!! ... ياللسُخرية

لا شك أن الحياةَ مدرسةٌ لا تتوقف ولا تتورع عن تلقيننا الدروس طالما حيينا , بعضها دروسٌ عابرة , وبعضها قاسية .. لكنها في النهاية مفيدةٌ لأبعد الحدود. فلابد أن يخونَ شخصٌ ما ثقتك كي تحذر وتدقق في المستقبل أين وفيمن تضعها ... ولابد أن تنكشف لك الأوجه السيئة من شخص ما حتي تدرك أنه لا يجب عليك رفع سقف توقعاتك , ففي النهاية جميعنا بشر , والنفس لأمارةٌ بالسوء ... وبالطبع ستكشف لك الحياة عن أن الأشخاص في تغَيُّر مستمر , فدوامُ الحال من المحال

كما تثبت لنا الحياة _للأسف_ أن بعض الناس لا تتحرى في عملها إرضاء الله أو ضمائرها , بل تختلف حساباتهم وتتنوع للدرجة التي تصوّر لهم بعض التصرفات المشينة علي أنها حلول عادية لمشكلاتٍ لا ينبغي التوقف عندها أو التفكير فيها ... وتجدهم يسوقون مبررات واهية لا أعلم كيف سيقولوها لرب العالمين عند حسابهم !!! فإذا انطلت تلك المبررات الواهية علي البشر , فبالطبع لن تصلح كردودٍ في يوم الحساب

لَعَنَ اللهُ قَوماً ضاعَ الحَقُّ بينَهُم 

ما تعلمته شخصياً من أخطائي , هو كيف يسمح لي عقلي أن أطلُبَ الحَقَّ ممن أضاعوه ؟!! .. كيف تخيّلتُ عبثاً أن يعترفَ شخصٌ ما بخطئه بل ويعتذر عنه ؟!! ... لم يعد هذا زمن فضيلة الاعتراف بالحق .. لم تعد هناك أطلال ذلك العالم المثالي البائد .. كل ما حدث ويحدث يدل فقط علي انهيار منظومةٍ بأكملها لا يعلم متي سيتم ترميمها إلا الله _هذا إن تم ترميمها _ .. وسبحان الله , كنت حتي الآن أحاول ألا أفقد الأملَ فيمن حولي , بل كنت أعطيهم الفرصة _وأحياناً أدفعهم لمحاولة اغتنامها_ حتي يحتفظوا لديّ بنفس صورهم السابقة لأني لا أريد تغييرها , لكن للأسف , تجاربي معهم هزَّت بداخلي تلك الصور , بل وبدأت أشك فيما إذا كانت الصور السابقة هي الأصح أم الجديدة !! ... لكن الدرس الأهم والأكبر في الحياة بصفة عامة أني من الآن 

              أُفَوِّضُ أَمري إلي الله 

وسعيدة بإدراك أني في زمنٍ أصبح فيه الظُلم هو أقصر وأسهل طريقٍ للفت النظر بعيداً عن المشاكل الحقيقية ... وياله من عالمٍ ضال

فدوى نزار