Monday, August 20, 2012

الحُبّ ... عَبرَ الأَثير !!

لِمَ لا ... فالعالَمُ الآن أصبَحَ افتراضياً بكُلِّ الطُرُق ... المشاعرُ والأفكار والكلمات والأحلام والأخلاق وحتي الفضائح صارت مجرَّد مواضيع يتم تناقلها والعَبَثُ بها عبر صفحات مواقع التواصل "الاجتماعي" ... حتي الحياة "الاجتماعية" صارت "مادة" تلتقفُها "الشبكات العنكبوتية" وتنسِجُ حولها خيوطَ الجفاء حتي تتسمم المعاني الراقية داخلنا وتُقتَل أمام الشاشات الساحرة المُضيئة

 يقولُ الفَتَى (عبر أحد برامج المحادثة "التشات") : حرف آى , أقل من ثلاثة , حرف يو - في إشارةٍ منه إلي أنه يحبّها

فترُدّ الفتاة (عبر برنامج ليس بالضرورة نفس ما يستعمله فتاها) : نقطتين فوق بعض , دولار ساين - دلالة علي الحياء وحُمرة الخَجَل 
  فينتهِز الفتى الفرصة الذهبية ويتقدم بأروع طلب زواج في العالم ويقول في لحظةٍ حالمة تلك الجُملة الخالدة
would u marry me ?
: فترد الفتاة - بنفس الخجل السابق مضافاً إليه بعض السعادة الواضحة المتمثلة في نقطتين فوق بعض وقوس أيمن
yeah sure :) :$

ويستمر الحوار الرومانسي الدافئ عبرَ الأثير إلي أن يتم الزواج (الذي لم تتم معالجته افتراضياً بعد) ولكن علي الأقل فقد تمت الدعوة له من خلال "إيفينت" علي الفيس بوك وسط مباركات وأمنيات "الفريندز والفاميلي" بزواج سعيد وعُمْر مديد وهاني موون في مكان جديد

وهنا تبدأ "صدمة" الحياة الواقعية .... فقد تم فجأة استبدال صورة "البروفايل" الجميلة لكليهما بوجهين حقيقيين متحركين ينفعلان غَضَباً وفَرَحاً وسعادةً وعَصَبيةً واشمئزازاً ... وبدلاً من الحروف المكتوبة بتَنسيقٍ مُلفِت وألوانٍ مُريحةٍ وجاذبة , أصبَحَت هناك أصوات رقيقة حانية أو عالية حانقة ساخطة مُرعِبة لا يمكن تنسيقَها حالَ خروجِها من فم قائلِها ولا استرجاعها أو مسحها حال اختراقِها آذان مُتَلَقّيها ... أصبح هناك واقع ملموس وحوائط تجمعهما , بينما كانت علاقتهما في السابق أوهاماً وقصص حبّ نسَجَها خيالُ كُلٍّ منهما كما يريد , ولم يكن لارتباطِهِما حدود , فالفضاءُ كلّه مِلكُ لأحلامِهما تتنَقَّلُ فيه كيف شاءت وتراه عبر شاشةٍ مُلَوَّنة لا مكانَ فيها للسواد المُحتَمَل أو البياض المَنشُود

فدوى نزار

Saturday, August 4, 2012

I'm deeply in love with this year of my life :))

Not the calendar year that starts on Jan. 1st, but my own year that starts on Dec. 17th.

Actually I've had many "awful" events this year (LOL :D), that started in the very first day !!! 

But the reason why I still love this year, is that through those so painful events, I have learned so many things in a way that makes me feel 97 instead of 27 ... I can proudly say that I was enriched & enlightened by those life-changing experiments.

I have known who certain people really are, and that i shouldn't ever believe those who try to fake an angel-looking faces while they are devils. 
I have realized where exactly I'm standing from other people.
I have recognized that I shouldn't for any reason expect too much from anyone. 
I have learned to differentiate between personal & professional relationships (in order not to damage the long lasting personal relationships for the sake of silly, meaningless professional "interests" ).
I have learned that i should always follow my intuition & keep my first impression forever (as it proved to be correct eventually).
I have -unfortunately- realized that in this world, Justice is a virtue that was lost long ago & that your rights will never come back to you "after being raped" unless you fight to retrieve them. (& they may not even come back when you fight but at least you would have done your best & was never negative or silent about them).
I have lived to witness "Truth" being manipulated for nonsense !!! people justifying their unfair acts to be a professional attitude. (how many crimes are committed with the name of professionalism).
I have experienced how to be unable in all measures to hate somebody & instead you unconditionally forgive them & never even regret this.
I was (probably for the first time) able to understand what is meant by (Strong People Forgive & Naive People Forget) ... This year contained some very important days to remember for me.
I have seen my list of priorities with a different perspective, I might not change it, but at least I've recognized the consequences.
I have educated myself to never wait for appreciation from those whose only job is to disappoint others & whose speeches are always meant to be stupidly destructive.
I knew where exactly I'm standing (& I loved this place :) )
I trusted more in myself & started to believe that what happens to me is not "luck" but it's a normal result of me being who I am & who I deserve to be (اللهم لك الحمد . وما بكم من نعمة فمن الله) 
I lost a loved one & accepted the fact that people who we love will not last forever & that life is not at all worth being wasted in sadness or regrets (اللهم اغفر له وارحمه وأدخله الجنة هو وجميع موتي المسلمين يا رب العالمين)
I admit that this year was the first one for me to truly learn how to "let go" & be sure that (الله سبحانه وتعالي , الحكم العدل) will never waste my rights nor my efforts. it's just not time yet.
I have gained enough strength to help me take Treacherous stab wounds & smile because they do give me power & that I will never allow them to kill me (it is said that "People who hate you are just your confused admirers who can't figure out the reason why everyone loves you :) " ).
I have been to places I never thought I'll visit & felt that I was sent there for a reason & I believe that I got the message & it's only a matter of time to follow the directions.
I've changed from praying to get my revenge to praying for ALLAH to fill my heart with forgiveness & inspire me to see beyond.
I believe that I started taking things easier than I used to do & I admit that it's far more comforting & relieving.
I started wishing more for ALLAH to lead me to the right direction (اللهم اجعلني من المهتدين)
I know that in certain times I wanted badly to take back some words that i said which i know is impossible & that even if i apologize, this could heal the wound, but will never remove the scars. But eventually i believe that those who i care for that much, will never misjudge me because of some words i said & they will always know who they are for me & that even if i meant those words at certain times, deep inside I know they are not as i said .. so I'm sorry if they ever got 2 read this & I know you can't ever hate me :P :D
finally, i know that my year is not over yet, & I'm not expecting it 2 be any better :D :D but my dear 27th year, I LOVE YOU so much for showing me new things i never knew before & for giving me such opportunities & Experiences
اللهم لك الحمد , وقل ربِّ زِدني علماً

& i still say (& will always keep saying) that i love those who love me as they make life a better place for me to stay & i appreciate those who hate or hurt me because from them i learn so many valuable lessons that participate in building my character & forming my wisdom.

Fadwa Nezar